The Namesake of Azar

We wanted to take a moment to share a piece of our history with you all.

The story of our namesake, Azar.

The Meaning and History of "Azar"

The name "Azar" is derived from an old Persian word meaning "fire." In ancient Persian culture, fire was not just a source of warmth and light but also a symbol of enlightenment, transformation, and life. It was central to many customs and was considered a divine element, representing energy, passion, and the spark of life itself.

The Ethos of Azar Dental

At Azar Dental, we draw inspiration from the profound symbolism of fire. Just as fire has the power to transform, our clinic is dedicated to transforming the health and well-being of our patients. We aim to ignite the spark of vitality and health within each individual who walks through our doors.

Our values are inspired by this word:

  • Passion for Health: Like the enduring flame, we are committed to passionately pursuing the highest standards of care and treatment for our patients.
  • Transformative Care: Inspired by fire’s transformative nature, we focus on innovative treatments that lead to significant and positive changes in our patients' health.
  • Warmth and Compassion: Fire’s warmth symbolizes the compassionate and personalized care we offer, ensuring every patient feels supported and valued.

By naming our practice "Azar," we embrace these timeless qualities, striving to provide a healing environment where every patient can experience renewal and rejuvenation.

At Azar Dental, we embody the spirit of transformation and vitality symbolized by fire, aiming to deliver healthcare that ignites a brighter, healthier future for all our patients.

Azar Dental
187 N Harrison St
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 924-7910
american college of dentists american college of prosthodontists
international college of dentists